Report for City of Stonnington
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Planning Applications (23)
Application | Date received | Authority |
1354 & 1356 High Street, Malvern VIC 3144
Part use of the land as a medical centre and buildings and works to an existing and proposed Medical Centre and a reduction in the car parking requirement. |
3rd March 2017 | City of Stonnington |
Outside 357-359 Glenferrie Road Malvern - Bus Shelter 30913, Malvern VIC 3144
Application for the installation of one (1) single sided Illuminated Electronic Promotion Sign on the existing tram shelter. |
2nd November 2016 | City of Stonnington |
1336 High Street, Malvern, VIC
Construction of a new front fence |
25th September 2015 | City of Stonnington |
1271 High Street, Malvern, VIC
Display of temporary promotional signage |
10th July 2015 | City of Stonnington |
75 Stanhope Street, Malvern, VIC
Construction of a new front fence and a crossover to a dwelling on a lot within a Heritage Overlay |
24th June 2015 |
City of Stonnington
1342 High Street, Malvern, VIC
Extension of existing dwelling on a lot less than 500 square metres. |
23rd June 2015 | City of Stonnington |
1356 High Street, Malvern, VIC
Internal alterations, provision of access ramp, advertising signage & increase of internal car spaces |
18th May 2015 | City of Stonnington |
2/1A Harvey Street, Malvern, VIC
Extension of a dwelling on a lot less than 500 square metres in area |
12th March 2015 | City of Stonnington |
1295 High Street, Malvern, VIC
Use and development of the land for the purpose of a medical centre in a General Residential Zone, a reduction in the standard car parking requirement and alterations to a Road Zone Category 1. |
22nd December 2014 | City of Stonnington |
1271 & 1273 High Street, Malvern, VIC
Building of a multi level residential building |
16th September 2014 | City of Stonnington |
88 Stanhope Street, Malvern, VIC
Part demolition and construction of alterations and additions to an existing dwelling in a Heritage Overlay. |
7th April 2014 | City of Stonnington |
2A Harvey Street, Malvern, VIC
Secondary Consent Amendment to approved Plans |
27th June 2012 | City of Stonnington |
2A Harvey Street, Malvern, VIC
Secondary Consent Amendment to approved Plans - Increase in height & width of the rose arbor. |
21st May 2012 | City of Stonnington |
13 Fraser Street, Malvern VIC 3144
15th March 2012 | Stonnington City Council (SPEAR) |
2A Harvey Street, Malvern, VIC
Replace existing damaged brick fence with timber fence |
17th February 2012 | City of Stonnington |
100 Stanhope Street, Malvern, VIC
Amendment to approved Planning Permit and/or Plans - Deletion of six skylights |
12th August 2011 | City of Stonnington |
90 Stanhope Street, Malvern, VIC
Front fence |
26th July 2011 | City of Stonnington |
81 Stanhope Street Malvern 3144, VIC
Alterations & Additions |
28th October 2010 | City of Stonnington |
90 Stanhope Street Malvern 3144, VIC
Amendment to approved Planning Permit and/or Plans - changes to window design and screening |
15th October 2010 | City of Stonnington |
90 Stanhope Street Malvern 3144, VIC
Amendment to approved Planning Permit and/or Plans - Modifications to window design and screening |
14th October 2010 | City of Stonnington |
1 / 1A Spring Road Malvern 3144, VIC
2 lot subdivision PS 429658 A |
5th October 2010 | City of Stonnington |
3 Harvey Street Malvern 3144, VIC
Amendment to approved Planning Permit and/or Plans - changes from picket fence to brick fence, addition of 2 roof sky lights to rear extension |
12th August 2010 | City of Stonnington |
13 Fraser Street Malvern 3144, VIC
Amendment to approved Planning Permit and/or Plans - Internal alterations |
24th June 2010 | City of Stonnington |